Ilish – The fishy tale…

My love for wish goes a long way.

Being a typical bong, fish had been a staple part of my diet – having ‘maach bhaja’ for breakfast, fish curry for lunch and ‘maacher jhaal’ for dinner was norm.

Being away from Kolkata for over 5 years now, my diet has undergone drastic reformation, now being more inclined towards salad based or grilled ‘healthy’ options to control my ever growing tummy but my love for fish has only become stronger with the deprivation.

Feasting of variety of fish is usually on top of my bucket list everytime I visit home. During my recent trip, my target was savouring on ilish, the yummiest and tastiest of my fishy loved ones.

Kolkata has numerous fish markets – starting from the local roadside ones to  traditional markets to the more recent upmarket ones. To witness the real ‘fishy’ market in terms of environment and smell ( ;-), yes it will hit your nose ) the traditional ones are best bets.

For my share, visited Gariahat market in south Kolkata with dad.


And here comes the wide array of the options – was lucky to get the big grown ups, which are supposed to be the tastier lot.

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With our part done in procuring the fish, now it was my mommy’s turn to do wonders with her cooking. I wished to have “Shorshe Ilish” and “Ilish macher matha diye pui-saag charchari”

Here is how they turned out – All for your viewing pleasure.

Shorshe Ilish
Shorshe Ilish
Ilish macher matha diye pui-saag charchari
Ilish macher matha diye pui-saag charchari

My talent goes only to gorging these yummy creations, for the inquisitive souls who would like to know how they are made or wider choice of preparations, you can refer to their recipes perfectly penned by my senior in her blog.

Also found the them by fellow blogger and celebrity chef Sanjeev Kapoor’s site.


And how can I forget, the location of the market in Kolkata where I got these prized ones from…

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